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Medical Weight Loss

Path to Success® Medical Weight Loss program provides a healthy lifestyle approach promoting behavior change through education. Thirty-six lesson plans which include nutrition, fitness and behavior will be provided over the next 12-weeks. Find your personal path to success by focusing on the changes you’re willing to make in order to achieve LONG-TERM success!
Week 1
  • NUTRITION: The Jump Phase
  • In your first nutrition video, we are going to review the first diet phase of the program: the Jump phase. This is the first two weeks of the program in which you will replace all whole foods with Celebrate Meal Replacements and high-protein snacks.

  • FITNESS: Why is Exercise Important?

    The benefits of regular exercise on your physical health are tremendous. Exercise improves blood pressure, increases your “good” cholesterol, lowers risk of certain cancers, and improves sleeping habits just to name just a few. Regular exercise is also one of the top predictors of whether or not someone will maintain their weight after weight loss.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Why Is Exercise Important..

  • BEHAVIOR: What Makes Weight Loss So Difficult?

    Losing weight can be difficult for a number of reasons, such as genetics, metabolism, illnesses, medications, personal behaviors, and psychological aspects to name just a few. Often times, they may have contributed to our weight gain in the first place. These issues will need to be addressed throughout the process of weight loss and weight maintenance. Focusing on what you’re able to change and accepting what you cannot will help you achieve long-term success both mentally and physically.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss What Makes Weight Loss so DIFFICULT.

  • Nutrition 1 - Welcome to Path to Success Online

    Fitness 1 - Why is Exercise Important

    Behavior 1 - What Makes Weight Loss So Difficult?

    Week 2
  • NUTRITION: The Power of Protein
  • Hello and welcome to our video all about Protein! Over the course of the next few weeks, you will review the three macronutrients: protein, carbs, and fat. Let’s begin this series with protein.

  • FITNESS: Barriers to Exercise

    We all know exercise is healthy for us and is something we need to do. But, we still struggle to just do it. Why? What gets in your way?
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Barriers to Exercise.

  • BEHAVIOR: What Makes Weight Maintenance Even More Difficult?

    What makes maintaining weight loss so difficult? FOLLOWING THROUGH with behavior changes! Changes in our behavior are mandatory for maintaining long-term weight loss. Until a person believes they are “good enough” in life, it is unlikely they will follow through - for the long haul - in maintaining those behaviors. A healthy relationship with SELF is necessary to have a healthy relationship with food.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss What Makes Weight Maintenance Even More Difficult.

  • Nutrition 2- Protein

    Fitness 2 - Barriers to Exercise

    Behavior 2 - What Makes Weight Maintenance Even More Difficult?

    Week 3
  • NUTRITION: The Burn Phase
  • You’ve advanced to the Burn phase of the Path to Success Program. In this video, you will learn about what you can expect in the coming weeks.

  • FITNESS: Exercise Myths vs. Truths

    Have you ever been overwhelmed with the amount of health and fitness information? Sifting through all of the rumors and myths in the fitness world can be a daunting task. It’s critical to obtain information from a reliable source. Don’t believe everything you hear or read on social media!
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Myths vs. Truths.

  • BEHAVIOR: Set Yourself Up For Success: The AIMS

    HOPING you’ll lose weight, WISHING you’d lose weight, and PROMISING that you’ll lose weight won’t result in weight loss. Not even making a verbal commitment to losing weight will result in weight loss. The only thing that results in weight loss is… DOING the things necessary to lose weight. Set yourself up for success by DOING the things required to get your weight off and keep it off using AIMS.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Setting Yourself Up for Success: Using AIMS.

  • Nutrition 3 - Burn Phase Overview

    Fitness 3 - Myths vs Truths

    Behavior 3 - Setting Yourself Up for Success Using AIMS

    Week 4
  • NUTRITION: Vitamins and Minerals
  • You will learn all about the importance of taking dietary supplements, more specifically, why it is important to include a multivitamin and a probiotic into your daily routine.

  • FITNESS: Motivation vs. Habit

    Many people fall into the trap of waiting until they “feel” like exercising. If you are waiting to “feel” motivated to exercise, you are probably going to be waiting a long time. By establishing a good exercise routine, you’ll stop asking yourself if today is an exercise day. Your body will already know and tell you it is.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Motivation vs. Habit.

  • BEHAVIOR: Deal Yourself a Winning Hand: 4 ACES

    Both the behavioral and emotional aspects related to living at a healthy weight are necessary in order to maintain a healthy weight over time. There are, of course, some specific behaviors we know are required in order to lose weight AND to maintain that weight loss. I refer to these behavioral components as the “Gotta Do Ems.” Why? Because… if you’re going to lose weight and keep it off, then you’ve gotta do ‘em!
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Dealing Yourself A Winning Hand: 4 ACES.

  • Nutrition 4 - Multivitamins and Micronutrients

    Fitness 4 - Motivation vs Habit

    Behavior 4 - Dealing Yourself A Winning Hand: 4 ACES

    Week 5
  • NUTRITION: All about Carbohydrates
  • There are so many conflicting statements about what carbs are, and how much you should have, and what they all mean for weight loss. Why aren’t we all in agreement about the benefits and harms of carbs? Well, hopefully this video will be able to clarify the facts about carbs and what you need to know for your weight loss diet and beyond.

  • FITNESS: Physical Limitations and Pain Issues

    Do you have physical limitations, pain issues, or mobility concerns? Many overweight individuals struggle with regular exercise due to pain, but every single person can find something they can do for exercise. Focus on finding something you can do, rather than what you can’t.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Physical Limitations and Pain Issues.

  • BEHAVIOR: Mind-Set Matters

    When you set healthy goals, they need to be RELEVANT and attainable. This means, asking yourself why do you want to lose weight now? Your answers may include to improve your health or to prevent health problems. Maybe your weight is interfering in your quality of life or you are unable to participate in specific activities you enjoy. Set yourself up to win by setting goals which are relevant to you and those you’re able to achieve.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Mindset Matters: How to Set Healthy Goals.

  • Nutrition 5 - Carbohydrates

    Fitness 5 - Physical Limitations and Pain Issues

    Behavior 5 - Mindset Matters

    Week 6
  • NUTRITION: All about Dietary Fats
  • In today’s video, you will learn all about dietary fats. We’ll discuss the different types and how you can balance the “good” and “bad” fats during and after weight loss.

  • FITNESS: Mobility and Flexibility

    Most people think that stretching prior to your workout is helpful to prevent injury. The reality is that warming up and working on your mobility prior to exercise is more helpful for injury prevention.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Mobility and Flexibility.

  • BEHAVIOR: Self-Talk

    Self-Talk is one of the most powerful tools you can incorporate into your plan for losing weight and remaining at a healthy weight. The truth is, positive self-talk is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself in order to change every aspect of your life. Your THOUGHTS create your future self! Immerse yourself in positive affirmations and begin each and every day with one!
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Self-Talk.

  • Nutrition 6 - Dietary Fats

    Fitness 6 - Mobility and Flexibility

    Behavior 6 - Self-Talk

    Week 7
  • NUTRITION: Hydration
  • Now that we’ve reviewed micronutrients and discussed the three major macronutrients in depth, it’s time to review the importance of staying hydrated.

  • FITNESS: Strength Training

    Everyone knows that exercise is an important component of weight loss, but what type of exercise will provide the best results? Most people believe cardio should be the primary focus over strength training. But, is this correct? Strength training improves the shape/tone of the body, increases longevity, and helps to avoid decreases in our metabolism by maintaining muscle.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Strength Training.

  • BEHAVIOR: Maintaining Motivation

    Motivation is the set of forces that “activates, guides and maintains our behaviors in order to meet a goal.” Wishing, hoping, wanting and thinking about losing weight is not motivation. Motivation propels you into action and doing what’s necessary for weight loss and weight maintenance.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Maintaining Motivation.

  • Nutrition 7 - Hydration and Sugar Sweetened Beverages

    Fitness 7 - Strength and Motivation

    Behavior 7 - Maintaining Motivation

    Week 8
  • NUTRITION: Eating a Balanced Diet
  • Hello and welcome back to Path to Success Online. In this video, we will tackle what it means to truly have a “balanced diet.”

  • FITNESS: Cardio

    Cardiovascular exercise, or commonly referred to as cardio, is any form of exercise that involves the major muscle groups and increases the heart rate for a period of time. Regular cardio is obviously helpful for overall health and weight loss, but vital for weight maintenance. One of the most important ways to maintain weight loss is establishing a strong regular exercise routine. Look for a form of cardio you’re able to stick with long-term as well as enjoy.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Cardio.

  • BEHAVIOR: Cleaning Out The Emotional Closet

    When emotions build up over time, there can be some serious damage to our lives both mentally and physically. Unresolved feelings can result in depression, anxiety, low self-confidence, and living with an overall sense that “I’m not good enough.” Food can be a way to soothe those unpleasant thoughts and feelings. This kind of emotional eating can obviously lead to poor self-worth and ultimately weight gain.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Cleaning Out the Emotional Closet.

  • Nutrition 8 - Portion Sizes and Hunger Regulation

    Fitness 8 - Cardio

    Behavior 8 - Cleaning Out Your Emotional Closet

    Week 9
  • NUTRITION: Portion Sizes
  • We’ve all heard the expression “our eyes are bigger than our stomachs.” But why do we crave more food than we actually need? In today’s video, we will give you an overview of standard portion sizes of your favorite foods and how to be more mindful of hunger.

  • FITNESS: Full Body Strength Training

    Do you often wonder what exercises should be included in a strength training routine? There are seven basic body movements. These include push, pull, squat, single leg exercise, hinge, core work, and carry. Simply choose one exercise from each category to get a great full body workout.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Full Body Strength Training.

  • BEHAVIOR: Communicating Clearly

    Healthy, clear, direct communication is something that we seem to struggle with as a society. Many people beat around the bush, rather than saying what they really think or feel. They remain silent to avoid confrontation… the reality with that is most people do not want to experience their own discomfort by speaking up. The basis of healthy communication is to share your honest thoughts, feelings, and observations in a thoughtful way, without expecting that others will necessarily agree with you or see things the same way as you do.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Communicating Clearly.

  • Nutrition 9 - Portion Sizes and Hunger Regulation

    Fitness 9 - Full Body Basic Strength Training

    Behavior 9 - Communicating Clearly

    Week 10
  • NUTRITION: Reading a Nutrition Facts Label
  • In today’s video, we will walk you through each element of a Nutrition Facts label, so you can use this powerful tool to make healthy decisions.

  • FITNESS: Upped Body and Core Strength Exercises

    Do you feel intimidated by the gym and not sure how to get started with strength training? Strength training is one of the most important exercises you can do for your health and a vital component in any weight loss program. Your goal will be to complete 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for each exercise. Not everyone has the time or money to go to a gym so our goal is to give you exercises that can be done right in your own living room!
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Upper Body Strength Exercises.

  • BEHAVIOR: The Essential Role of Feelings In Weight Loss

    Almost everyone is familiar with the term “Emotional Eating,” and many of us have engaged in our own emotional eating from time to time. Emotional eating is exactly what it says… eating in response to emotions or emotional situations. People often eat when they experience anger. Some when they feel sad or lonely. Make feelings your friends. Feelings are a great tool we can use to figure out what our emotional needs are and get them met.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss The Essential Role of Feelings in Weight Loss.

  • Nutrition 10 - Reading Food Labels

    Fitness 10 - Upper Body and Core Strength Exercises

    Behavior 10 - The Essential Roles of Feelings in Weight

    Week 11
  • NUTRITION: The Maintain Phase
  • Welcome back to Path to Success Online. You are in the home stretch of your weight loss journey! We know you are ready to start applying all this new nutrition knowledge full-time! To prepare you for the start of the Maintain phase, this video will be reviewing the goals of this phase and give you some extra tips for maintaining your weight loss.

  • FITNESS: Lower Body Strength Exercises

    Many people think they need a gym membership in order to incorporate strength training into their weekly exercise routine. Strength training does not require a gym membership and can be done at home with minimal equipment. There are plenty of exercises to choose from and most movements can be modified to fit any skill level.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Lower Body Strength Exercises.

  • BEHAVIOR: Preparing For Pitfalls

    Baby and wedding showers, birthday celebrations and sporting events can be difficult environments in which to remain on track. Your long-term plan for success needs to include warning signs that may leave you vulnerable to making unhealthy eating choices. Feeling hungry, angry, lonely or tired are nearly universal warning signs, indicating that you need to take extra precautions to avoid emotional, biological and environmental triggers. What safety measures do you have in place in order to keep yourself safe from perilous food situations?
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Preparing for Pitfalls.

  • Nutrition 11 - Maintain

    Fitness 11 - Lower Body Strength Exercises

    Behavior 11 - Preparing for Pitfalls

    Week 12
  • NUTRITION: Preventing and Managing Regain
  • Congratulations! You should be SO proud of your accomplishments thus far. Now, you feel wonderful, you’ve successfully lost so much weight, and things are great! But, it’s important to be prepared, since regain is very common. So, let’s talk for the next few minutes about how you can avoid regain before it starts and what to do if you experience it.

  • FITNESS: Interval Trainings

    Have you heard of high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, for your cardio workouts? Interval training (HIIT) is short bursts of high intensity exercise alternating with lower intensity work. These workouts are typically done in a shorter period of time but at a higher level of intensity. There are many health benefits which come from interval training.
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Interval Training.

  • BEHAVIOR: The Magic of Mindfulness

    Mindfulness is “the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment.” In other words, being mindful means being present. Paying attention to what you are thinking, how you are feeling, and what you are experiencing at that moment. At that moment – wherever you’re at – What are you thinking about? Are you focusing on what you are listening to and watching? Or is you mind wandering. Are you aware of how you are feeling? Happy? Relaxed? Scared? Anxious? What’s on your mind?
    In this week’s lesson, we’re going to discuss Mindfulness and Mindful Eating.

  • Nutrition 12 - Preventing Regain

    Fitness 12 - Interval Training

    Behavior 12 - Mindfulness and Mindful Eating

    Celebrate Cookbook
  • Shake Recipes
  • Breakfast Recipes
  • Daytime Snack Recipes
  • Entrée Recipes
  • Side Dish Recipes
  • Evening Snack Recipes
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