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Competitive Comparisons

We are proud of the product that we have created and will regularly create comparisons to other products on the market. If you are interested in seeing a comparison that we have not posted, let us know and we will put it together.

Support Group PowerPoint Presentations

We know how hard you work for your patients and we want to do anything that we can to help make your job a little easier. To that end, we have created support group presentations for you to use with your groups. From time to time, we will add to the list so check back periodically for new ones!

Other PowerPoint Presentations

The following presentations are provided to aid you in communication and education both with patients and with internal staff. The ownership of the presentation is retained by Celebrate Vitamins and they are provided to ultimately increase patient health and education. If you have specific questions regarding a presentation, please let us know and we will do our best to resolve it. (Click the title to download)

How to read a vitamin label
Authors: Vic Giaconia & Jeanne Blankenship, MS, RD.
This presentation has been developed as a tool for bariatric professionals to present to their patients on the important aspects related to reading a vitamin label. It also includes the most up to date vitamin & mineral recommendations from the ASMBS. This is a perfect presentation for support group!

Evaluating Nutritional Supplements
Author: Jeanne Blankenship, MS, RD.
Presented at the 2008 ASMBS conference, this presentation addresses the critical elements to look for in choosing vitamin, mineral and protein supplements.

Lab Assess
Author: Jeanne Blankenship, MS, RD.
Presented at the 2008 ASMBS conference, this presentation aids in understanding the process of interpreting laboratory values.

2019 Guidelines
Presenter: Samantha Stavola MHA, RDN, LDN
This presentation reviews the updated 2019 ASMBS guidelines for treating and caring for the post weight loss surgery patient

Repletion Guidelines and Pregnancy
Presenter: Samantha Stavola MHA, RDN, LDN
This presentation was presented at an International conference and reviews the ASMBS repletion guidelines in treating deficiencies of major vitamins and minerals. It also reviews macro and micronutrient recommendations for pregnancy after weight loss surgery.

Disclaimer: The information contained in these presentations is not intended to provide medical diagnosis or serve as a substitute for professional medical advice and care.

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